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Stochastic Samplers¤

traceax uses a flexible approach to define how random samples are generated within traceax.AbstractTraceEstimator instances. While this typically wraps a single jax random call, the varied interfaces for each randomization procedure may differ, which makes uniformly interfacing with it a bit annoying. As such, we provide a simple abstract class definition, traceax.AbstractSampler using that subclasses Equinox modules.


traceax.AbstractSampler ¤

Abstract base class for all samplers.

__call__(self, key: PRNGKeyArray, n: int, k: int) -> Num[Array, 'n k'] abstractmethod ¤

Sample random variates from the underlying distribution as an \(n \times k\) matrix.


sampler = tr.RademacherSampler()
samples = sampler(key, n, k)

Each sampler accepts a dtype (i.e. float, complex, int) argument upon initialization, with sensible default values. This makes it possible to sample from more general spaces (e.g., complex Normal test-vectors).


sampler = tr.NormalSampler(complex)
samples = sampler(key, n, k)


  • key: a jax PRNG key used as the random key.
  • n: the size of the leading dimension.
  • k: the size of the trailing dimension.


An Array of random samples.

traceax.NormalSampler(AbstractSampler) ¤

Standard normal distribution sampler.

Generates samples \(X_{ij} \sim N(0, 1)\) for \(i \in [n]\) and \(j \in [k]\).


Supports float and complex-valued types.

__init__(dtype: DTypeLike = float) ¤


  • dtype: numeric representation for sampled test-vectors. Default is float.

traceax.SphereSampler(AbstractSampler) ¤

Sphere distribution sampler.

Generates samples \(X_1, \dotsc, X_n\) uniformly distributed on the surface of a \(k\) dimensional sphere (i.e. \(k-1\)-sphere) with radius \(\sqrt{n}\). Internally, this operates by sampling standard normal variates, and then rescaling such that each \(k\)-vector \(X_i\) has \(\lVert X_i \rVert = \sqrt{n}\).


Supports float and complex-valued types.

__init__(dtype: DTypeLike = float) ¤


  • dtype: numeric representation for sampled test-vectors. Default is float.

traceax.RademacherSampler(AbstractSampler) ¤

Rademacher distribution sampler.

Generates samples \(X_{ij} \sim \mathcal{U}(-1, +1)\) for \(i \in [n]\) and \(j \in [k]\).


Supports integer, float, and complex-valued types.

__init__(dtype: DTypeLike = int) ¤


  • dtype: numeric representation for sampled test-vectors. Default is int.