susiepca.infer.susie_pca(X: Array | ndarray | bool_ | number | bool | int | float | complex | JAXSparse, z_dim: int, l_dim: int, A: Array | ndarray | bool_ | number | bool | int | float | complex | None = None, tau: float = 1.0, standardize: bool = False, init: 'pca' | 'random' = 'pca', seed: int = 0, max_iter: int = 200, tol: float = 0.001, verbose: bool = True) SuSiEPCAResults[source]

The main inference function for SuSiE PCA.

X: Array | ndarray | bool_ | number | bool | int | float | complex | JAXSparse

Input data. Should be an array-like

z_dim: int

Latent factor dimension (int; K)

l_dim: int

Number of single-effects comprising each factor (int; L)

A: Array | ndarray | bool_ | number | bool | int | float | complex | None = None

Annotation matrix to use in parameterized-prior mode. If not None, leading dimension should match the feature dimension of X.

tau: float = 1.0

initial value of residual precision (default = 1)

standardize: bool = False

Whether to center and scale the input data with mean 0 and variance 1 (default = False)

init: 'pca' | 'random' = 'pca'

How to initialize the variational mean parameters for latent factors. Either “pca” or “random” (default = “pca”)

seed: int = 0

Seed for “random” initialization (int)

max_iter: int = 200

Maximum number of iterations for inference (int)

tol: float = 0.001

Numerical tolerance for ELBO convergence (float)

verbose: bool = True

Flag to indicate displaying log information (ELBO value) in each iteration


tuple that has member variables for learned parameters (ModelParams), evidence lower bound (ELBO) results (ELBOResults) from the last iteration, the percent of variance explained (PVE) for each of the K factors (jax.numpy.ndarray), the posterior inclusion probabilities (PIPs) for each of the K factors and P features (jax.numpy.ndarray).

Return type:


  • ValueError – Invalid l_dim or z_dim values. Invalid initialization scheme.

  • Data X contains inf or nan. If annotation matrix A is not None, raises

  • if A contains inf, nan or does not match feature dimension with X.

Last update: Feb 13, 2024