Source code for susiepca.metrics
from typing import Optional
import jax.numpy as jnp
# from jax import jit
__all__ = [
def mse(X: jnp.ndarray, Xhat: jnp.ndarray) -> float:
"""Create a function to compute relative root mean square error.
X : Input data. Should be a array-like
Xhat : Predicted data. Should be in the same shape with X
RRMSE: relative root mean square error
if X.shape != Xhat.shape:
raise ValueError("Predicted data shape doesn't match, please check")
mse = jnp.sum((X - Xhat) ** 2) / jnp.sum(X**2)
return mse
def get_credset(alpha, feature_label: Optional[list] = None, rho=0.9) -> dict:
"""Creat a function to compute the rho-level credible set
alpha: the posterior probability in the params object return by susie pca
feature_label: the label of the feature from the original dataset
rho: the level from credible set, should ranged in (0,1)
cs: credible set, which is a dictionary contain K*P credible sets
l_dim, z_dim, p_dim = alpha.shape
if feature_label is None:
feature_label = list(range(p_dim))
print("Feature label is not provided, use the interger sequence instead.")
if len(feature_label) != p_dim:
f"Feature label dimension dose not match:\
Input data has {p_dim} features while\
the feature label is length of {len(feature_label)}"
# sort the posterior probs. of each single effect from each factor
idxs = jnp.argsort(-alpha, axis=-1)
cs = {}
for zdx in range(z_dim):
cs_s = []
for ldx in range(l_dim):
# idxs for all feature at this zdx and ldx
p_idxs = idxs[ldx, zdx, :]
# compute the cumulative sum
p_sums = jnp.cumsum(alpha[ldx, zdx, p_idxs])
# find all the index where the cumsum>rho
p_gts = jnp.where(p_sums >= rho)[0]
# get the minimum value that satisfy the above criterion
min_p_gts = p_gts[0]
# form the cs
idx = p_idxs[0 : min_p_gts + 1]
idx_list = idx.tolist()
# form the cs with the feature label
feature_list = [feature_label[i] for i in idx_list]
cs["z" + str(zdx)] = cs_s
return cs
Last update:
Feb 13, 2024